20th April 1945

The weather still fine, hot and summery, a wonderful spring.  A little cloud came up this afternoon.  

All black-out restrictions are to be lifted next week, except for a 10 mile belt round the coast, where lights might help submarines to take a bearing or to shell a town.  (There is a rumour going round that a sub: shelled Liverpool recently).  In “event of a raid” lights are to be extinguished, but as gas-lamps can't be turned off, (as we know full well here after last month’s experience) there seems little point in such an order.

Cooler towards the evening and a heavy shower at 7, then about 10.30 a tremendous thunderstorm for an hour and a half.  Spent the time talking to Dorothy Brewer about my “Fox One” manuscript.  She seemed to like it and thought it had a good chance for publication.

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