29th December 1944

Still cold.  Another day in the stables, moving harness, carts and so forth into the old slaughterhouse, where Watts says they can be stored for some time at least.  Am very anxious to keep the ralli.

I think I am more sad almost to leave these old stables than to leave the Museum.  Feel sure I shall never drive again.

Home to wash, and then met Daphne at Culver Sreett and had a meal.  She was in great form, and looked very attractive.  Lot of talk about her work at the school, and what she hopes to do.  Took her home about 7, and then went up to Soar’s.  Four distant rockets fell during the evening, while the moon blazed full and glorious.  A lot of chat tonight, and then back to Boxted on roads crunching with hard glittering frost.

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