28th March 1943

Lovely day, light S.W. wind, with great fleecy clouds floating across a deep blue sky.  Spent the whole day writing.  I had intended to have taken Robin out, but became engrossed in my work, and forgot.  Went in to Colchester at 6.30.  Fed Bob, called at home, and then to the Castle for duty.  Spent 3 hours in the Holly Trees Muniment Room, going through Laver’s great “Index”.  Also rearranged all the Colchester and County Petty Session Records in chronological order.  Poulter came down for half an hour, but went to bed early as he has to leave for London again at 6.30 tomorrow.

Few planes about at exercise, and bunches of searchlights playing in the west.  Slight fog, and frosty looking stars.  For some reason did not feel very nervous tonight.  Turned in at the Castle a few minutes after midnight.

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