11th January 1945

A bad night.  Could not sleep, suffered great irritations all over me.  Heard snow beating against the window.  About 7, heard a ‘plane go over very high, almost like a diver, and lay sweating.  Dozed off, and then woke again to the sound of shovels clearing snow.

My trunks of books arrived from Colchester this morning, delivered by horse trolley.  Put the books in the Library for the time being.

Emptied the safe today, to see what was in it.  Found a file of applications for the curatorship, and was surprised to see there were 16 others besides mine, including 2 teachers, 2 M.A.’s, a Colonel, writing from the Author’s Club, and the Curator of Batley Museum.  Yet I was chosen unanimously, and without an interview.

Found also a file relating to the ARP business in 1939 [when the Museum basement was requisitioned by the ARP].  What a disgraceful scandal.  The County Authorities show in a very bad light indeed, especially this man Ollard, the lawyer, He seems to be ruler of all Wisbech, and everybody is terrified of him.

More snow during the day, but slightly warmer.  There was a wedding this afternoon, just outside the window, going down the steps into the church by the west door.  The bride was tall, dark, and very handsome.  Relatives, making rather forced gaiety, showering confetti etc.  Office tonight until 9.30, writing letters, and preparing report for the next Committee meeting, etc.

Bed, 10.30.

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