7th January 1943

To my surprise, the rain which began last night kept on all day.  However, I dislike the bus so much I decided to cycle.  Capt. Folkard was away all day, as he had his teeth out yesterday. 
Troubles in the office all day.  Nott makes a great nuisance of himself on these wet days, and spends most of his time inside.  The girls are very annoying, especially Heather.  (Heather said this morning that the bombs yesterday fell at Ramsey, without damage, but a woman was injured with a bullet.)

Left at 6, being delayed doing the pay.  I keep the money (about £400) in the Muniment Room on Thursday nights.  Hull has no idea of this.

Cycling back, I had just got to John de Bois’ Bridge when a train came along from Colchester.  It was a magnificent sight, roaring over the high embankment, sparks and flames leaping from the engine, the long tail of carriages flashing behind, the lights in their windows almost “pre-war” in brilliance.  I think trains are the only good mechanical conveyance ever invented.

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