13th January 1943

Awakened this morning about 6 by the sound of planes coming in from the sea.  On getting out to look, I was amazed to find a lovely starlight sky, with two planes crossing it towards the N.W., carrying lights.  About a dozen came over altogether, so I suppose some poor creatures abroad must have spent a miserable night.

A lovely day, the wind S.W., and quite warm.  Going in, I passed the 8 o’clock bus from Dedham, stuck on John de Bois Hill, just past the bridge, with the conductor, driver and most of the passengers standing round in an anxious, forlorn looking group.  Although they were only a mile from the Corporation bus terminus not more than half a dozen had begun to walk that far, the majority prefering to wait until help arrived.  I was struck by the fact that one of Matthews’ lorries came along, quite empty, and soon after several army vehicles, but not one made any attempt to pick up the stranded passengers. 
This afternoon rushed home to get some tea there and to please Mother.

Early in the afternoon about 48 heavy bombers circled over the town, gaining height, and finally went off out to sea.  When I got to Lawford Joy said that she saw 36 come back when she was at Bromley.

I am not at all impressed by the Arthur Young biography.  It is badly written and does not give anything like sufficient details.  I was unaware that his Essex farm was at Gt. Sampford.  It would be interesting to know who is farming it now.

Wrote another chapter (or part of one) of the “Camchester Chronicle” tonight.

Butcher told me today that Hull's accident was caused by his falling through a trap-door at the [Observer Corps] Report Centre.  He said “It was a lucky thing he didn't drop five storeys”  Then, as an afterthought, - “For him, at any rate.”  Apparently he injured his ribs, and has now got a touch of pleurisy.  As usual in his prolonged absences, the letters pile up on his desk, and nothing whatever is done.

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