2nd November 1942

Dull, with sun coming through at intervals.  Went down to Wigborough with Nott.  We went to Abbot’s Wick, and he persuaded me to get up on one of Frank Warren’s horses, which I did.  It is years since I rode a big horse, and I enjoyed it immensely.  We went right up as far as Rockingham’s Farm, and I jumped a ditch in real style.  The water lies all over this heavy land, but the crops look well.  I noticed stretches had not been drilled at all.  This is due to using tractors with the drills, running them so fast that the man on the drill has no time to look after his seed.  There is a good deal of carelessness too, some stretches being drilled twice.  Coming back the mare nearly got away.  Abbot’s Wick looks more like a farm now than when I last saw it – cats about the place, horses in the stables, and bullocks in the yards.

This afternoon went out with Stanley Webb and Craig to see Sheepen Farm.  Once again I was struck with the appalling wickedness of the Town Council even agreeing to houses being built there.  I feel sure there must have been bribery and corruption to get it through.  The broom is spreading all over where the [Sheepen Farm Roman] Excavations were, some nearly 6 feet high.  Mr. Webb is determined that the whole place shall come under cultivation again.

Then we went down to Land Lane to see some fields belonging to Everett which are to be ploughed.  The town sill looks very fine from this quarter, with the old Roman Wall, St James’ Church, and all the towers and spires, but once again the town authorities do nothing to preserve it, and without doubt Everett will cover the whole place with houses as soon as he can.

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