16th February 1945

Cloudy, but fine in the evening.  Cold.  Went round to Union Street, to the room over the “Advertiser” Office, where we have a tremendous amount of stuff stored.  A lot is rubbish, game heads, horns, and so on, but there are at least 50 boxes of deeds and other MSS relating to the Fens, which Woodgate has collected.  Must arrange to get these back to the Museum as soon as possible.  Opened one or two, but saw nothing earlier than the 18th century.

This evening to Arts Club for an hour.  Charlotte Osborne and Jessie Swift both there, and a girl called Charlotte Bruce, who runs the Youth Club, called in.  She looks about 24, with dark brown hair and a most fascinating Celtic cast of face.  Went home with Charlotte Osborne and Jessie Swift, and had a coffee at the Swift’s.  

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