18th July 1944

Many ‘planes about all day, but no “divers”. 

Home to tea.  Miss Payne very worried.  Apparently thinks the old chap may die any moment, although he seems to have recovered entirely from the Saturday attack.

Went to the Library for an hour, using Ancient Monuments reports, as I am no longer welcome to use them at Holly Trees.  Happened to come across a MS Diary of one Dr Asplin.  Don't know who he was, but must find time to read it.  Had supper at Winnie’s, then to Boxted at 9, hoping to get some rest, but there was an alarm in the dusk at half past 10.  Tried hard to face it, but could not, made an excuse to Miss Bentley, and slunk out, away down to the stack by the Nayland Road, and curled up there.  Very cold, but quite comfortable, and most enjoyable listening to the noises of the birds – a heron croaking down on the marshes, and owls all round.  Far off there were explosions and gunfire.  A spotting ‘plane came over, chugging along invisibly below the stars.

Hurried back to the house at quarter past 5, and slept in bed until 8.15

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