18th February 1943

High clouds, cold N.W. wind.  The “Times” this morning states that 2 planes raided Clacton, and 4 raided a “South coast town”.  This is rather a reduction from the original 12.
Went into the Castle to see Shenstone’s photos of the Norman building in Foundry Yard, which still hang most inappropriately in the Crypt.  As I came out I met Councillor Blomfield, who had come over to see if Hull’s office still remains locked.  It does.  We talked for a few minutes, but nothing special, then I went back to the office.  Butcher tells me that the Chairman, Councillor Blomfield, and Councillor Smallwood, are coming down to the Castle on Saturday to make a thorough inspection.  Funny that Blomfield did not say anything about it.

As we went through Parsons Heath tonight I heard sirens, and wonder if there would be an attack in the sunset but nothing happened, and Joy said all-clear went in 10 minutes, so it was probably another mistake. 

Glorious evening.  Walked down slowly from the blacksmith’s, past Lawford Park, the last rays of the sun red in the west, and a great yellow moon rising behind me.  There was an endless cawing of rooks settling to rest in the trees round the Hall.

Parry in bed, and Joy not at all well.  Dorothy, Fred Nunn’s wife, has rheumatic fever, and Rosemary Parrington has measles.  There is a lot of illness about now.

Bed at 11.30, very tired.

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