7th April 1942

Hull has raised a great scare that the east parapet of Holly Trees is falling down, and there has been great excitement all day with visits from various members of the Borough Engineer’s staff, all very anxious to find something to do.

Joanna came in, looking wonderfully healthy and fit, and obviously enjoying herself. [Joanna Round was no longer working in the Essex War Agricultural Committee office at Colchester and was now a Supervisor for the Land Army Hostel at Peldon]. We both had a cup of tea with Poulter. He was telling me that young Meliea, who I saw in October (I think) 1940 and who was going from the Borough Engineer’s office to a job in Singapore, got there just before the Japanese and had to escape to Java and then Australia. I remember I envied him for going to a place far from the war.

Baldwin, our chief foreman [for the War Agricultural Committee], gave notice to leave today, but I don't think he means it to be taken seriously. He is anxious to have the whole situation of land in possession reviewed, as it certainly must be.

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